
Green - Greener - Green Bay

The world is changing rapidly. Data is growing fast and datacenter facilities are expanding around the globe. Consumers and governments alike, and many businesses as well, are expressing concern about the environment. One is becoming aware of the energy consumption of large data centers. Many large enterprises and investment companies no longer invest in old-fashioned, “dirty” datacenters. The Green Bay's concern is to offer our customers the finest technical environment for their IT infrastructure, while making the best use of renewable energy on the smallest ecological footprint. 

Developing green datacenters is more then using wind or solar energy alone. Our design encompasses the full picture: reliable green power sources, efficient cooling techniques and reuse of residual heat. Together we can create the future of IT and reduce the impact of data growth on our environment. 

The Green Bay welcomes partners who want to help create a better world and do all they can to reduce the ecological footprint of the IT industry. 

We believe it is our responsibility to create a green, energy-efficient data center toreduce the environmental impact of the growth of data and computing power.

The Green Bay mega datacenter will operate on wind energy. With adiabatic cooling, it will have the lowest-possible PUE of less than 1.1. The Natural Gas Generator backup for the wind energy system will minimize pollute the air or water. Re-use of our residual heat is possible for industries in the area.

We will run one of the greenest data centers in Europe, offering an opportunity forcompanies and governments to reduce their environmental footprint.

Our team

Gerrit Godwaldt

I am 52 years old and the initiator of The Green Bay project. I am CEO and CTO. 
I get my motivation from collaboration with customers every day.

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Edwin de Groote

As CFO, I’m responsible for the business case in the development phase and will be for the financial management of the Green Bay datacenter.

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